Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
I just finished my NaNoWriMo project and now it’s time to get back to work. After printing off my winner’s certificate and posting it to Facebook, I took out my green 5-subject tablet to see what’s next on my list for 2010. As I flipped through the pages I noticed that I have a lot of novel titles listed but I haven’t completed many of them. It would be nice to finish writing everything I have a premise for next year, but even I know that would be impossible since ideas are popping into my head every day. I am thankful to the NaNoWritMo competition because I have successfully written a 58,000 word novel in 25 days. Now I look forward to editing it and submitting it to a publisher for consideration.
I did most of my Thanksgiving cooking yesterday. The turkey, dirty rice, baked macaroni and cheese, and cornbread dressing are done. Now it’s time to get up and fix a quick breakfast and finish the rest of the meal before the kids arrive. I am thankful that I have lived to see another Thanksgiving and to be able to share it with my family.
So right now I’m sitting on my bed wondering in which direction I should go now? The house needs to be mopped, which I should have done at six o’clock this morning. I know the minute I put the mop on the floor everyone will get up and track over it. If I start breakfast the little ones will be up and under my feet. They need to sleep as long as possible because they are very bossy and demanding on Maw Maw’s time (smile), especially the little two year old girl whom I heard tell her four year old brother yesterday to “Get out of my business.” She always wants to sit on lap while I’m typing and she doesn’t understand that I need both hands to type. She just wants Maw Maw to go to YouTube and put on the Elmo video so she can hear Elmo sing, Beyonce’s Single Ladies. The four year old just opened my door and crawled into my bed. This is a sign that I must get up and prepare breakfast because his parents are still sleeping. Yes, I’m thankful for them too because I know long after I’m dead and gone a little of me will live on through them.
Maybe I won’t get as many things accomplished today as I want to. I need to update my website but I’m still waiting on two novel covers. I am thankful to my web mistress Rae Monet who takes care of my website.
Yesterday while cooking I took a few minutes to figure out what novels I need to complete to send to my publishers. Currently I write for nine publishers (with three upcoming books to be published in the beginning of the year), so if I do the math correctly, six editors are due manuscripts. I have several books completed. I just need to get off my butt and send them in. So I guess that is what I will do tomorrow…update manuscripts and start submitting. I also have a slew of short stories that need homes. I guess I need to get started finding markets for these too.
Sponge Bob Squarepants is flying in the air on my television during the Thanksgiving Parade and keeping the four year old occupied while I finish this. I am thankful to the creator of Sponge Bob Squarepants because the kids love him and will sit still for a moment to watch it while I’m busy.
I made a promise to myself that I will start my Korean Language course next month. I’ve watched a lot of Asian dramas over the last couple of months and I’m thankful that most of them have been translated to English so I can understand them.
Lastly I am thankful to all my networking friends and fans who have taken the time to write or to post to my sites. I look forward to sharing time with you as I write and experience life. I’m also praying for peace between North and South Korea. Be safe Jaejoong, Micky, Junsu, Max and Yuhno. (Hwaiting.)
A decision has been made. The four year old is requesting that Maw Maw get up and fix him some pancakes.

Imari Jade

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